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Titan has four main religions spread across its six regions- Kongfucianism, Grecianity, Andobism, and Kurism. Each and one of them has their own worshipping figure, whther it is a god or a series of gods.



Kongfucianism is the religion of logic and illogic, the philosophy of what makes sense and what not. Their main leader is Dapathre, the legendary monk who sat on a couch for 6 months. Although some speculate that he sat on the couch for being a lazy bum, others think that he was meditating, looking for a way to take one’s internal peace outside.



Grecianity is the religion of words, and how to express them. One of the religion’s matriarch is Matrisan, the mythical goddess of passion, and a reflection of human mistakes. According to the myth, Matrisan ruled the skies with her wisdom and discipline. One day, she was challenged to a race down to the bottom of the highest hill. As Matrisan slowly walked the hill, the villager jumped from rock to rock. Feeling competitive, Matrisan too jumped from rock to rock, attempting to reach past the villager. Eventually, Matrisan slipped, fell, and hurt her back. It was her passion that made her determined to win, but it was also the reason she lost the race.



Kurism is the religion of justice and equality. It promotes the idea that the world should be fair for each and one of us, even if it means pleasing one side over the other. In Kurism, what matters is the cause, and not the means to achieve it. As far-fetched as the idea of equality sounds, Kurism teaches that it is the goal that has to be worth fighting and dying for.



Andobism is the religion of uncertainty. It teaches you that, as much as you try in life, one hasn’t achieved anything yet until that person reaches self-actualization. Androbism encourages the appreciation of beauty by simply observing one’s surroundings. The god Eindrish is the being that painted the world, attempting to seek a perfect place for his creations. However, the more he changed the land, the more desperate he became. Eventually Eindrish found out that he could only be happy by accepting that he tried his best, and that the world was perfect the way it was.

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